

I’m Glenda Garcia

Software Engineer | Potterhead⚡| Latina in STEM👩🏻‍💻


I’m Glenda Garcia, born in Havana, Cuba and a recent graduate from Nova Southeastern University, where I earned a degree in Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics.

As a passionate Latina in the STEM field, I believe in breaking barriers and making a positive impact through technology. I'm enthusiastic about collaborating with like-minded individuals and contributing my skills to projects that make a difference. Whether it's developing innovative software solutions or exploring the latest advancements in the tech world, I'm always eager to learn and grow.

If you're interested in connecting feel free to reach out, and let's embark on an exciting journey together! 🚀✨

Spanish & English
Miami - Ft. Lauderdale Area, FL
Glenda Garcia Image

My Skills

I am a quick learner and specialize in multitude of skills required for Web Application Development and Product Design

Programming Languages:

Programming Languages



Contact Me

Get to know me more!

If you like my work and want to get to know me more, then here is my resume:

Let’s talk and get in touch!

If you have any questions or know about possible opportunities in the CS world, then drop me a message using my email.

See you!

Contact Me